Jan. 20, 2022

Ep146: Podcasting Metrics That Matter: KPI's and Completion Rate

Ep146: Podcasting Metrics That Matter: KPI's and Completion Rate

If you're seeking a metric to determine the success of your podcast, don't miss this episode! Listen in as Adam outlines the importance of a high completion rate and essential metrics for analyzing podcast performance. Stay tuned to find out if you're...

If you're seeking a metric to determine the success of your podcast, don't miss this episode! Listen in as Adam outlines the importance of a high completion rate and essential metrics for analyzing podcast performance. Stay tuned to find out if you're meeting the average performance!



  • Why should you care about the completion rate?
  • Ways to get a higher completion rate
  • How do you know if your podcast is performing?



Thinking about creating and growing your own podcast but not sure where to start?

Visit GrowYourShow.com and Schedule a call with Adam A. Adams!