Jan. 18, 2022

Ep145: How To Grow Your Following Through Podcast Multipliers - Josh Tapp

Ep145: How To Grow Your Following Through Podcast Multipliers - Josh Tapp

Today, Josh Tapp joins us to reveal the keys to building your following and leveraging your podcast by gaining more listeners, downloads, and subscriptions with robust and authentic techniques.  Stay tuned to learn more about the secrets that...

Today, Josh Tapp joins us to reveal the keys to building your following and leveraging your podcast by gaining more listeners, downloads, and subscriptions with robust and authentic techniques.  Stay tuned to learn more about the secrets that successful podcasting entrepreneurs implement.



  • 3 ways to create a blog post and benefits of adding a timestamp on your show notes
  • What is “cult following” and how does it affect the growth of your show?
  • Powerful tips to establish a goal for your podcast 
  • What you need to focus on when starting your own podcast
  • How to promote your content on social media without spamming people  




Josh Tapp is the host of the Apple iTunes Top 50 Marketing and Entrepreneurship Podcast, The Lucky Titan, Josh has worked with some of the world’s top entrepreneurs discovering their most coveted business success secrets and sharing them with his audience of raving fans. Josh has helped over 500 entrepreneurs to monetize their personal brands, closing 5-6 figure deals before they have their first listeners, all through his proprietary “Pantheon Method”.

Leveraging the Pantheon Method, Josh has closed multiple 6 figure deals, purchased a multimillion-dollar business with no money down, and given a keynote speech in front of a group of billionaire tech investors on the power of podcasting multipliers. He is recognized as the foremost expert on podcast monetization and content distribution.





Thinking about creating and growing your own podcast but not sure where to start?

Visit GrowYourShow.com and Schedule a call with Adam A. Adams!