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Dec. 14, 2021

Ep125: How To Become A Systematic Podcaster - Martha Hughes

Ep125: How To Become A Systematic Podcaster - Martha Hughes

Check out this episode to learn why Martha Hughes shifted from blogging to podcasting, the systems in place that propel her to become a systematic podcaster and the secrets that kept her continuing in the direction she desires now.   WHAT TO...

Check out this episode to learn why Martha Hughes shifted from blogging to podcasting, the systems in place that propel her to become a systematic podcaster and the secrets that kept her continuing in the direction she desires now.




  • 3.25 Why choose podcasting 
  • 07:48 How long should an episode be?
  • Pros and cons of editing your own show 
  • 33:26 Two great points for monetizing your podcasting 
  • Why you need to stay true to your subject/genre







While out on a walk with her dog one day, Martha turned her usual walking pace into a run and soon discovered the joys of her lifelong obsession. Like an old friend, through the ups and downs of life, running would always be there. There would be times when nothing would be as natural as clocking in 50+ miles a week and then there would be times when just getting in a run would be the most difficult thing imaginable, but running was never far away. Through a varied collection of careers such as music magazine publisher to advertising sales, running stood by like a best friend.  It was such a strong force that Martha turned her tiny blog about it into a podcast, Martha Runs the World. For over two years, she's talked to runners all over the world. From slower to first place, young to old, runners have shared their stories with Martha and to the podcast’s listeners. And to us runners, there's no better way to spend our time but to hear about other runners! During the day, she works hard at an urgent care clinic in San Francisco, but during her off time, she's either conquering the local hills or planning future episodes of MRTW!





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